Friday 12 November 2010

To Queue Or Not To Queue-Spanish style

One of the first things we discovered when we moved out to Spain was that the Spanish people in general don't grasp the concept of a queue.
Many a time I've been waiting in the queue at the "correos" (post office) when someone will walk in and go straight up to the counter, ask a question (even while the cashier is serving someone) and they will then end up being served straight away! It's very frustrating at times, especially if you've been waiting patiently for a long time.  Our local post office has now introduced a ticket system to solve the problem but this isn't always successful. Quite often people do not bother to take a ticket or the cashier will advance the ticket number so quickly that, unless you are an athlete and can get to the cashier in 1 second flat, you've missed your turn and then it's panic stations as the person with the next number along is at the desk before you and you have to wait all over again!
Another funny thing we find is when you are waiting for your appointment at the doctors surgery. When the doctors' door opens for the next patient to go in, several people all head towards the door at the same time-just like a herd of stampeding cattle. When the doctor calls your name you have to fight your way through the crowds to get in, only to find that someone else has beaten you to it and, surprise surprise, they get seen and you have to wait until they come out even though it was your turn! Also, quite often, you'd go in and someone will follow you in and ask the doctor a question about a prescription or a problem they have while you sit there!
Whilst on the subject of of queuing at the doctors surgery, when you go to collect your repeat prescriptions from the receptionist it's always best to ask who is the last in the queue as quite often when you get to the desk, someone will jump up from a chair and go in front of you as they've been sitting down rather than stand waiting for a few minutes.
A friend recently had a rather embarrassing moment whilst waiting to see the receptionist. She'd been waiting quite a while and several people had done the usual "trick" of going up to the desk, asking a question and getting seen immediately. It was finally her turn when a lady went straight in front of her. My friend tapped her on the shoulder, told her in her best Spanish that she should get to the back of the queue and wait her turn, only to realise that it was her friends grandmother that she knew very well and she felt so embarrassed at the idea that the lady may have thought her rude, she promptly let her go in front of her!
After living here for 5 1/2 years you tend to get used to the quirks of the Spanish people. Who knows, in another 5 1/2 years I may have perfected the art of queue jumping myself!

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